Expert Insights Blog

Reducing Labor Costs with Automated Denesting Technology

Written by Allison Wagner | 8/19/24 1:09 PM

In today's fast-paced manufacturing environment, efficiency is key to maintaining a competitive edge and keeping up with consumer demand. Automation is the tool to make it happen. 

One area where many companies can see significant improvements is in the denesting process – or the art of getting containers onto the production line to start the rest of the automated packaging process. Traditional manual denesting methods are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Morrison Container Handling Solutions offers automated alternatives that can drastically reduce labor costs and enhance overall productivity. 

The Labor-Intensive Nature of Manual Denesting 

Manual denesting involves the physical separation and placement of packaging trays or containers onto the production line. This repetitive task not only slows down production but also requires a significant workforce, leading to higher labor costs. Additionally, manual processes are susceptible to inconsistencies and errors, which can result in product jams, delays, and ultimately, increased operational costs and downtime. 

The Advantages of Automated Denesting

Automated denesting technology eliminates the need for manual intervention in the denesting process. Here are some key benefits of adopting automated denesters from Morrison Container Handling Solutions:  

1. Significant Labor Cost Reduction 

By automating the denesting process, companies can reduce their dependency on manual labor. This leads to immediate cost savings as fewer workers are required to handle repetitive denesting tasks. Employees can be reallocated to more value-added activities, enhancing overall productivity. 

2. Increased Throughput and Efficiency 

Automated denesters operate at a consistent speed, helping to ensure a continuous flow of containers onto the production line. This consistency boosts throughput, allowing production lines to operate at maximum capacity without the interruptions commonly associated with manual denesting. 

3. Enhanced Accuracy and Precision 

Morrison's denesters are designed for accuracy and precision. They help ensure that containers are separated and placed on the conveyor line with minimal errors. This precision reduces the risk of jams and mishandling, leading to smoother production processes. BONUS: When using screw technology to denest, you’re gaining the benefit of consistent positioning and reliability that one rotation of the screw is one container dropped onto your production line. 

4. Flexibility for Various Container Types 

Morrison Container Handling Solutions offers denesters suitable for a wide range of containers, including plastic trays and cups, paperboard trays, foam trays, lids, scoops, buckets, and flower pots. This versatility makes it easy to integrate automated denesters into diverse production environments. 

5. Adaptability to Future Needs 

As production requirements evolve, so do container sizes and shapes. Morrison's automated denesters come with quick-change tooling options, allowing for easy adjustments to accommodate different container types. This flexibility helps ensure that your investment remains valuable as your production needs change. 


6. Improved Workplace Safety 

Automating the denesting process reduces the physical strain on workers, minimizing the risk of repetitive motion injuries. By taking over this monotonous task, automated denesters contribute to a safer and more ergonomic workplace.


Investing in automated denesting technology from Morrison Container Handling Solutions is a strategic move that can lead to substantial labor cost savings and increased operational efficiency. By eliminating the manual aspects of denesting, companies can streamline their production processes, enhance accuracy, and boost overall productivity. As a result, the return on investment for automated denesters begins the moment they are integrated into your production line. 

Ready to transform your denesting process and reduce labor costs? Contact Morrison Container Handling Solutions today to learn more about our advanced denesting technology and find the perfect solution for your production needs.